Sunday, March 16, 2008


I love the basic mind-set represented in Kent Keith’s Paradoxical Commandments, what is sometimes referred to as Anyway.

Here is a sampling:

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.

Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© copyright Kent M. Keith, renewed 2001

This obviously parallels a number of Jesus’ words. If you lose your life, you’ll gain it again. If you choose to be last, you’ll actually be first. If you deny yourself, you'll become your true self. The idea takes on a number of nuances, each paradoxical. Those committed to truth and love will experience opposition. Men and women who are determined to live a life of kindness and integrity will meet up with unkindness and dishonesty. The soft voice of sincerity will sometimes appear to be drowned out by the loud noise of frivolity.

But, as Jesus says and Keith confirms, this ought not stop us from pursuing the things that matter most. In the end, the truth will win, and even now, we can experience the camaraderie of others who seek these same things. Yeah, it can be difficult living the right way in a world that often chooses the wrong way. But–and this is key–we should do it anyway.

Do the right thing anyway because it’s the best thing you can do. Do what’s honorable anyway in order to combat the dishonor that so often dominates. Love anyway because someone out there needs that love. In a cynical world, a world that often doesn’t get it, a world that will sometimes dismiss you or attack you, follow the way, embrace the truth, share your heart and life anyway. In so many ways, it’s all about the anyway.

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