Tuesday, April 15, 2008

overwhelmed by goodness and grace

Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by God’s goodness and grace, his incredible interventions in my life. Today was one of those days. Today, I felt like God pulled back the curtain and provided a glimpse of what he’s up to in my life, and I have to say I’m encouraged.

There are times, I have to be honest, when I get a little frustrated with circumstances and unable to discern much of what is going on around me. Ever felt that way? You attempt to do what’s right, and you’re not sure if anyone cares or appreciates it. Then, if you’re like me, you play mind-games, wondering and speculating and–let’s be frank–worrying about too many things.

Indeed, just last week I seemed to bounce back and forth between an almost angry cynicism and an utterly God-dependent faith. On more than one occasion, I thought, “Lord, I don’t know how you can make sense of this or that.”

Still, the Lord is the Lord, and he knows what he’s doing even if we do not. What’s more, he loves us, he loves me, even when frustration is the dominant theme and foolishness is the chief attribute.

What a marvel God must be. He orchestrates all of life for our good, yet we doubt him when we cannot see exactly what he’s doing. He’s at work when we are asleep. He’s active when we are lazy. He’s faithful, thank God, even when we are so very faithless. And sometimes he showers gifts upon us to make sure we know, that I know, that he’s still here; he’s still good, and he actually loves me. Wow!

Today was such a blessing. There was energy in the air, an extra spring in my step, a sense of the divine all around. Thank you to all who played a role in this wonderful day. Thank you, Lord, for reminding me that you are truly in control. Your truth is alive and powerful, and you are still very much present and active in our lives. Thank you, Lord!

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