Friday, January 11, 2008

about . . . people

Human beings are a strange mix of wonder and depravity. Being created in our Maker’s image, we all possess an inherent dignity. In limited yet profound ways, we possess the imprint of our Maker.

At the same time, and as a result of our original parent’s wrong choices, we are marred and imperfect beings, prone to rebellion and liable to judgment This is precisely why we require a Savior, Jesus, to rescue us from ourselves and from the consequences of our foolish choices.

Now, if human beings can be described in both positive and negative ways, it is only right to incorporate these elements into the way we think about them. To see only the beauty of man is to display naivete; such one-sidedness can lead to a minimizing of the awful predicament brought on by the fall. Then again, when we only notice human frailty and impropriety, it is difficult to avoid being (proudly!) critical and cynical about just about everyone we meet. Taken to an extreme, this “conspiratorial” attitude (i.e., “everything is bad and everyone is evil”) can cause us to sever ties with the real world, losing our point of contact with those not currently believing.

A better approach is to take into consideration all that makes human beings what they are, the twisted perversions, as well as the brilliant and admirable accomplishments. Only as we balance dignity and corruption are we able to perceive people (including ourselves!!) as they really are.

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