Thursday, January 10, 2008

about . . . Jesus

What can we say about Jesus? Without getting into unnecessary details, here are some of the basics:

When the time was just right, God gave expression of himself in human form in the person of His Son, Jesus the Messiah (or Christ). Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a completely authentic and flawless life, performed many acts of compassion and power, was crucified for the sake of fallen humanity, buried, raised from the dead, and ascended to the place of God’s immediate and unhindered presence (heaven). One day, we are told, he will return to earth in glory to put down God’s enemies and eternally bless his friends.

Jesus is our supreme exemplar and liberator from the penalty and power of our rebellious deeds and inclinations. He is God manifest in human form, that is, He is truly and fully both divine and human. To this end, the biblical writers declare: “Great is the mystery of godliness. He (i.e., God) was manifest in the flesh” (1 Timothy 3:16, NASB).

Jesus is the centerpiece of genuine spirituality, the Lord of both the church and of all creation, the friend of the humble, the locus of true worship, the ultimate source of goodness and grace, and the hope of all genuine believers. Through Jesus alone, people can enter into a full and never-ending relationship with the true God.

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