Saturday, September 02, 2006


Just the other day, I noticed that my cell phone was practically out of juice. So, I walked into our kitchen, where we keep our cell phone chargers, and began to recharge my phone . . . or so I thought. When I returned later, however, I was surprised to find that the bars on my phone had not moved. In fact my phone had actually lost some power during the time when I thought it was charging.

At first, I had no idea what had occurred. Then, I realized that, while my cell phone was indeed connected to a charger, the charger itself was not plugged into an outlet. Due to the number of tangled devices that were present, I mistakenly connected a different charger to the outlet. The result? The phone that seemed to be charging was doing nothing of the kind.

Many of us resemble my cell phone. We are plugged into all kinds of things, which are not necessarily plugged into the ultimate source, God Himself. It may be that your way of doing things is valid. The approach you take, the beliefs you hold, the views you maintain, the way you live–all of these things may seem right, and yet you can still miss the connection with your Maker. The Pharisees found this out the hard way.

Then again, it is also possible that your way of believing and doing has actually hampered your progress. A lot of believers are involved in all kinds of things that are, to say the least, questionable. You may think you’re on the right track, and you may be doing what you do in the name of being Christian or biblical or whatever. But this does not, by itself, guarantee that your faith will improve.

What are you plugged into? You might think you’re attached to “the things of God,” but are you? Is God really “in” whatever you’re doing? We can usually live without a fully charged cell phone, but we cannot go long without connecting to the Source. Lord, help us (me!) to be connected to You.

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