Thursday, September 20, 2007

embrace the gift

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

These words by legendary distance runner Steve Prefontaine capture much of what matters (or ought to matter) in life.

What is the gift? The gift is that which is primarily and ultimately unearned. What we have received is the gift. That to which we are given access is the gift. Talents, abilities, insights, capacities–these are all included in the gift. Do you have a special knack for something that is good and right? Are you able to see things that most others miss? Do you possess a certain perceptiveness that nearly everyone else lacks? Is there a compassion or a kindness that radiates from your life? All of these things are aspects of the gift. The gift is full and free. Indeed, it is life itself with it’s countless challenges and opportunities. In the final analysis, the gift is that which originates in our Maker and flows to and through us. It is God’s power, presence, and mysterious love permeating our hearts and lives, and it is our proper awareness of these most relevant things. The gift is sacred. The gift is good. Embrace the gift. By faith, embrace the gift.

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