Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What produces change?

What produces change?

Well, from a Christian perspective, a number of things come to mind. For instance . . .

God can change us.

Exposure to the truth can change us.

Contact with solid, wholesome people can change us.

An awareness of the consequences of improper behavior can change us.

Understanding the benefits of right thinking and living can change us.

The consideration of eternity can change us.

A cognizance of how our poor choices affect others can change us.

Hard times can change us.

Good times can change us.

Bathing our minds in the beauty of God's world can change us.

An attraction to God-designed ways and purposes can change us.

A sense of purpose can change us.

An awestruck awareness of the wonder of it all can change us.

Love can change us.

Hope can change us.

Faith can change us.

Contact with “the holy other” (as, I believe Rudolph Otto, described it) can change us.

Reading can change us.

Talking can change us.

Listening can change us.

Spending time with children can change us.

Playing sports can change us.

Watching a movie can change us.

Being a part of a valid cause can change us.

Thinking can change us.

Symbols can change us.

An awareness of history can change us.

Sacrifice can change us.

Appreciating good things can change us.

(To that end) a good steak or an ice cream cone can change us. :-)

Music can change us.

These and many, many other things can change us (hopefully) for the better. “Lord, be merciful and gracious . . . and change us.”

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